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 Beijing Forum 2017:Emerging trends in Sino-African Development Cooperation





第二位发言人是来自耶鲁大学的Malte Lierl教授,他尝试回应王逸舟教授的讲话,并提到了中非分论坛在第一天有关“非洲是否存在新冷战时期”的讨论。Lierl教授提醒,中国在吉布提建立军事基地,这势必会触动也在附近有军事基地的美国和法国的神经。各国在非洲的活动不仅仅是有关应对海盗等非传统安全,更加有其战略含义。因此大国在非洲建立自己的军事据点,这很容易给人造成一种冷战随时爆发的感觉。这点是中国必须要注意并考虑的。


第三位是来自瑞士伯尔尼大学的Clarence Mandlenkosi Siziba博士。Siziba博士重点研究非洲贸易与冲突之间的关系。他介绍了在吉布提的中国经济特区,并认为中国在吉布提建立贸易区具有战略重要性。吉布提曾经一度是美国和法国军事主导之地,但是2000年以来中国在吉布提的存在逐渐上升。尽管存在许多对中国在吉投资的批评意见,但是吉布提政府对中国的投资充满期望。当多数目光都聚集于中国在吉布提的军事战略上时,Siziba博士的发言展示了该国在经济发展层面之于中国的意义。




第五位是来自埃塞俄比亚的Dilamo Otore Ferenje先生,他从民众需求的角度论证了中非合作的必要性。他认为,非洲国家有要改变治理和发展现状的需求,而这种需求应该来自草根大众,而不是领导阶层。正是因为埃塞俄比亚民众有这种发展需求,才会引入中国投资,因此中非合作并不是中方政府强加。中国有丰富的资源和发展经验,如果非洲国家要实现从农业到工业的转型,就应该与中国合作,这是正确的发展选择,也是双赢的发展选择。从内容来看,中非合作应该涵盖经济、社会、安全、外交、文化等多个维度、多个层面。与传统西方国家对非贸易方式不同,中国同非洲国家贸易从来不设先决条件,这是一种范式的转变。总之,中非合作一直是也将会是需求导向型,因为只有回应需求才能实现善治。




第七位是来自马达加斯加的Solphi Joli Hamelo先生。马达加斯加和中国的合作尚处于起步阶段,还没有重大合作项目。因此他希望能够到中国来寻找合作的可能契机。在众多讨论问题中,他强调了在知识交流方面的合作的重要性。






In the Morning of November 5th, the fifth session of the panel was held at Stanford Center at Peking University”. All scholars focused on the topic of “Prospect of China-African Cooperation: Opportunities, Innovations and Challenges”. They had a roundtable discussion on this point. Professor  Liu Haifang, from Peking University chaired the session.


The first speaker is Wang YI ZHOU, Professor at Peking University School of international Studies. His speech focused on how to apply to the concept of “creative Involvement” in China Africa Cooperation. China’s investment abroad is increasing, as well as the Chinese participation into the UN peace mission is increasing. The subject of security is gaining importance in China-Africa cooperation. Including how to maintain peace and security, how to increase abilities for the African Union is also very important. Chinese overseas interest are increasing, this mean that in order to protect china’s interest, China should invest more on its military abroad. Jibouti, Ethiopia and other countries have changes the content of the China-Africa Cooperation. China has to avoid following western powers roots of exaggerating using military might, in order to protect its interest.


The second speaker is Professor Malte Lierl, from Yale University. He review Professor Wang Yizhou speech and added that if there was or not a form of cold war during the opening of China-Africa Forum. He said that China military Base in Djibouti is coexisting with the American military base and the French military base.  Although all these countries have in Africa are fighting against piracy, but they are also have other strategic objectives. Last, big powers have military base in Africa, this is easy for many to believe that there is a cold war on preparation. China should be careful about that.


The third speaker is DR.Clarence Mandlenkosi Siziba, from the University of Switzerland. he mentioned about Africa trade conflicts. He said that china’s creating economic zone in Djibouti is very strategic. Djibouti had only American and French military bases before. Up to the year 2000, China and Djibouti have increase bilateral relationship. Althought there were critics on china’s investment in Djibouti, but Djiboutian government considers china’s investment as very important.


The fourth speaker is an assistant of Professor Lian Lian, in the school of international relation, Peking University. He talked about how to protect the Chinese interest abroad and China-Africa judicial cooperation problems. The situation in some part of Africa can also influence china’s interest. For instance the problem of finance, protection of Chinese in Africa etc.  Therefore china and Africa have to cooperate more in the judicial sector, this is a huge responsibility. Today, china and Africa judicial cooperation is entering into a new stage. The is a system established and an organ. Last thing, professor said china and Africa judicial cooperation should pay attention to: doing the upmost to fair justice in Africa, equality, legitimacy. Also both should understand the differences between the two, in terms of definition etc.


The fifth speaker is Dr Dilamo Otore Ferenje. He spoke from the perspective of the people and analyses china Africa cooperation. He said Africa countries need to change in multi levels, and those changes are called from the people. Because Ethiopian people needed change that's why they got Chinese investment and it’s not china’s government forced to invest. he said if Africa countries want to industrialize , it needs to cooperate more with china, from all sectors , people ,security , foreign policy, culture etc.


The sixth speaker is Qiaowen Zhang School of Economic and Business Management & China Africa International Business School, Zhejiang Normal University. She said that The 6th FOCAC brings the China-Africa investment cooperation to a higher level. Given that increasing attention is paid to sustainable development and that responsible investment gains a lot of momentum in financial markets, this study explores the sustainable development of China-South Africa investment cooperation from the perspective of institutional investors. We observe that South Africa has developed a good regulatory environment for responsible investment where companies engage in responsible investment practices much more actively than their counterparts in China. Nonetheless, institutional investors, both in South Africa and China, are not found to be effective in leading firms towards acting in a more responsible way. Consistent with conventional wisdom, they are only observed effective in promoting financial performance.


The last speaker is Professor Fu Jun, from Peking University school of South South cooperation. He said that china and Africa cooperation is the result of the efforts to achieve harmony. From the perspective of China-Africa cooperation, there are 4 points: the first is the demand needed of the society from the belt the road initiative. China development can provide some experience on that. Second, the need to match the supply and demand, which is the infrastructure demand etc. third, economic zones are china’s experiences; this has changed the logic of economics. The last is, we shall create a platform for dialogue and exchange, in order to face the new development in the world terms of technology and skills.


文稿未经发言人审阅。供稿人:北京大学国际关系学院博士候选人 达乌德、 罗楠



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