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Liu Haifang

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Liu Haifang, PhD (History), Peking Uni., is an Associate Professor in School of International Studies, Peking University. She previously worked for the Institute of West Asian and African Studies (IWAAS), the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), and a visiting scholar at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague(2007-8). She serves as Deputy Director & Secretary General, the Centre for African Studies, Peking Uni., and the Vice-Secretary Gen. of the Chinese Society of African Historical Studies as well. Liu ‘s current research topics are Racial issues in Contemporary International Politics (African continent in particular), China in Africa/ Africa in China, China’s foreign aid (historical & development perspectives and Tan-Zam Railway as a case), Angola and its international relationships, etc. She is teaching two courses, African Politics & International Relations (for undergraduates), and Comprehensive African Study (for MA students). Dr Liu has authored numerous publications in English and Mandarin, including books (such as the only book on Angola in China) and academic essays, such as RAILWAY TIME: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND THE ROLE OF CHINESE EXPERTS IN THE HISTORY OF TAZARA(African Engagements, Ton Dietz ed.,Brill Publishing, 2011),“China’s development cooperation with Africa: Historical and cultural perspectives” (The Rise of China and India in Africa, Cheru & Obi (eds.), Zed Book, 2010), “China-Africa Relations through the Prism of Culture– The Dynamics of China’s Culture Diplomacy with Africa”, (China Aktuelle, Vol.3, 2008), etc.


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