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Lecture “Unleashing Africa’s Productive Capacity: 5 Imperative of Growth” by Professor Fantu Cheru

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Lecture “Unleashing Africa’s Productive Capacity: 5 Imperative of Growth” by Professor Fantu Cheru

On May 4, 2012, Professor Fantu Cheru , Research Director of the Nordic Africa Institute, gave a lecture titled “Unleashing Africa’s Productive Capacity: 5 Imperative of Growth” in Room 527 of the Second Teaching Building, Peking University. From the historical point of view, Professor Fantu Cheru reviewed briefly the tremendous developments African countries had achieved since the Second World War, and he also pointed out the current challenges the continent was faced with.  Professor specifically stressed the 5 Imperative of Growth for African countries including creating an enabling legal and regulatory environment, improving the state of education, investing in physical infrastructure, making use of agricultural potential, etc. The lecture was host by Professor Li Anshan, Director of Centre for African Studies Peking University, .



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