Current Location:Center for African Studies Peking University > Scholars > Antoine Roger Lokongo(Long Gang )
Antoine Roger Lokongo(Long Gang )

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Antoine Roger Lokongo
Chinese name: Long Gang (龙刚)
Currently:  PhD student in International Politics at the Centre for African Studies, School of International Relations, Peking University, Beijing, China.
1998: MA International Journalism, specializing in Financial Journalism, 
City University, London. 
1996: Bachelor of Sacred Theology (STB), Missionary Institute London, 
affiliated to the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. 
1992:  BA Philosophy, Philosophy Centre, Jinja, Uganda, affiliated to the 
Urbaniana Pontifical University Rome.

Some articles:
New AU Headquarters: A Tribute to China-Africa Relations
Is the DRC Slowly Falling into the Trusteeship of the UN?
DRC: Democracy at a Crossroads
Why Free, Fair and Transparent Elections Are Not Enough
Sino-DRC Contracts to Thwart the Return of Western Patronage
Congo Steps Towards a Better Future


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